Hello, my name is Birga Alden.
Having worked in radio for nearly 10 years, I developed a passion for storytelling. When I use the word “story”, the implication is not fanciful or fairytale like folklore, but rather the content of what transpires in an individual’s life, making them who they are. Not only do I enjoy hearing and telling stories, but I’ve found it is a great way to learn lessons. From Genesis through Revelation, the pages of the Bible are filled with these kinds of stories. They are lessons that I have learned from, and have interwoven in my own personal story.
My long-term goal is to use the gift of storytelling to help audiences better themselves, helping them out of the rut of a mundane life, propelled into something more. Yet, I have to stay truthful to who I am, including my personality, faults and successes. I have my own battles, and I am usually pretty transparent about them. Like King David in the Bible, I want to be “after God’s own heart”, both in my pursuit of Him, and longing to reflect His character. However, like David, I have my messes and many moments that I’m not proud of.
Hungry to Learn is a genuine statement. I want to grow and improve, and if the lessons I’ve learned can help others, then the process is even more valuable. Together we can be so much more than we are on our own. I thank you for your interest in these stories, and I would love to hear your feedback.